specfic gravity...


Ok, next question, Bought a hydrometer today and am getting a reading of 33 or 1.024,,,,,,,seems a bit high from what i have been reading... Is this ok or should i take out some water and replace it with freshwater,,,,,,,,will this screw up my ph? thanks


Thanksguys, the meter is new, so im supposed to let it soak in the salt water for 24hrs to do whatever it has to do.....
SO that is the initial reading, i dont anticipate it changing much, but we will see.
On another note,, we started with 5 damsels and now we have one, every day one seems to just die, I think they are being bullied by the yellow tang, He basically shadows the damsels , i guess, until they expire. Any suggestions on what to do? are these two fishnormally compatable? Thanks


is your tank cycled yet? maybe there are dying from the ammo spike.


Yes it has cycled, tanks is 6 mths old, the amonia is where it should be, I think this is a case of bullying?


the tang was in the tank when we got it and we added the damsels last saturday . As far as seeing out and out bullying, he follows it around all the time, like a shadow. We also added a cleaner shrimp today and he cant leave that alone either. I think he thinks its just "his" tank.?
The hyro. is brand new, just bouht it today, would it be possibble that the sg being off would kill the damsels and not the clown or the tang, btw, we still have 1 of the damsels left :(


that is a possibility, i suppose, but i have never witnessed any aggression towards each other.... Yes, i have LR, not enough, yet, but we are getting there .. The tang is about 3 inches and the damsel prob 2.
Thanks for your input.


would it be possibble that the sg being off would kill the damsels
No way. SW fish can withstand a SG of 1.009 for weeks at a time during hyposalinity treatment for ich. Unless it changed REALLY fast you can rule that out. I'm going with the tang but damsels can and will fight until ther is only one left. Look for torn fins on the ones you have left. If one doesn't have any torn fins you can bet it's one of them bullying the others.

salty rob

One way to limit the territorial behavior of the YT is to rearrange the LR. This may fool him into thinking he is in a new home.