Species only tank what should i get?


the website helps alot

thank you!!!
i already have a 55 reef so if i wanna go faster i can just use that water....now a question
how much live rock they need? do they have to have live sand? what is their life spane? what do u mean about a net breeder? wont they eat frozen mysis?
will the cuttle eat freshwater ghost shrimp alive? (i can acclimate them) are they omnivores or carnivores?
and for my last question..............how long does a egg take to hatch?

el guapo

Active Member
Its not the water that is important part of an established tank . its the sand and live rock thats important .


if you go to my second thread "having second thoughts" im thinking that a cuttle fish may be to complicated for somone of my expeirience


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reef_Dart21
mantis tanks need acrylic tanks so it doesnt break through the glass
not true. There has been very few documented situations of a mantis breaking glass. That is a common "fact" that is often stretched.


Originally Posted by Reef_Dart21
that website has everything
i like the octopuses now all i need to nko is where to get one at

any ways if the octopus doesnt work out how bout these?
chainlink eel (or someother one)
small manta ray
frog fish
sea goblin
small lion fish
maybye another loghorn cowfish
puffer fish (i forget name but its really agressive)
smaller grouper species
pink face wrasse
or HOPEFULLY a octopus (dwarf sized one of course)
are you allowed to keep manta rays or are you kidding


Active Member
Im in the process of finding a frogfish. I would look into them if I was you!
there are little guys that only get 4"
they come in all diff. colors too. Just dont get one of the large species.
I think they are sooo cute and comical! Mines going in my 24g AP. You can usually get them when they are about 2"
Just figured I'd post my 2cents

check them out



Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
in all honesty though, there are a few damsels that i would consider the most beautiful fish available.

But then your not really talking about the 4/20 death co damsels . I would love to have a gerabaldi (sp) but the price and requierments keep me from it .