species only tank


he's asking what a good species would be to make a tank for. Its really preference. You could do anything from mantis shrimp to seahorses to extremely aggressive fish. Its whatever you want, not what we want.


Active Member
mdog.... right....
Im looking to start up some small spieces only tanks.... and i was wondering what species made good for spieces only tanks


What do you mean when you say "small tanks"? 5g, 10g, 29g, 55g? Are you wanting just 1 animal? Or a group of one species?


How small is this tank you are talking about? What I'm thinking is that you have to look at a growth rate of the species per your tank space & that is kind of what you are asking?? Do some research on what it is you want to put in the tank. Not all LFS will tell you what a max or minimum is required but good ones will.


Active Member
oh, I understand now, if that is what he is asking.
If I was setting up a species only tank of around 20-30 gallons, I would probably either do a pair of clown gobies or a pair of helfrichi firefish. Both of those are amazing fish that I would love to keep one day, and maybe when I have the space and time, I will set-up a species only for them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jon321
What do you mean when you say "small tanks"? 5g, 10g, 29g, 55g? Are you wanting just 1 animal? Or a group of one species?

thinking like a 20 gallon....
Basicly, im wanting to start to build my own tanks... and i think the only way to get good is pratice.... so i might as well build the first one for me!


Any types of gobies, pair of clownfish, damsels/chromis, cardinals, pipefish, seahorses, frogfish....if its just a sort of test of your tank building skills and you plan on upgrading within the next year you could always go with something like a dward lionfish, toby puffer, hawkfish, smaller wrasse.


Active Member
do some some research on pseudochromis and reef safe wrasses.there tons of variations for these small fish that me be suitable for such a small tank but 20 gal wont hold very many fish try fishindex.com. to look through some of the types and pics to help decide what you like


Active Member
I have a 10 gallon in my office at work. Only fish in it is a gold stripped maroon.
He's a constant source of entertainment for me and my employees. I guess you could call it a species tank. Truth is he would destroy any other fish I put in there.