Specific gravity meter


I have 2 Aquarium Systems sea test SG meters. When testing my water they always give me 2 different readings. One shows 1.024 and the other 1.021. I hope the fist one is right and the second is defective. Is there a better brand I could use to check my water. What SG meter do you suggest I use?


Active Member
Or at the very least get your hydrometers checked against a refractometer then you know how off they are, I believe I have heard that the glass hydrometers are more accurate than the swing arm type. But I do recommend getting a refractometer.


Active Member
rrefractometers are more accurate and testing against one won't help much because temp will affect that as well. so if your temp is 78 in het am whne you check it you will get one reading
in the afternoon,when the temp is 81, then it will be off by a different number.