I modified my overflows and 'fuge to try and resolve a microbubble issue. As a result, my DT tank water level is slightly lower and my 'fuge water level is slightly higher. When the tank was set up on Dec 5, 08 I placed a piece of tape on the fuge indicating where my max fill level is, but I didn't move that tape up after my modifications. I'm in Pittsburgh with my furnace running all of the time and I have to top off practically every day with 1/2 to 1 gallon of water from my tap.
In the past 20 days my SG went from 1.018 to 1.024 and I assume its because I'm not topping off with enough water - because I didn't adjust my tape that tells me my max level.
Is there a tendancy for cycling tanks to see an increase in SG, or does my "not topping off w enough h2o" theory sound like the culprit?
In the past 20 days my SG went from 1.018 to 1.024 and I assume its because I'm not topping off with enough water - because I didn't adjust my tape that tells me my max level.
Is there a tendancy for cycling tanks to see an increase in SG, or does my "not topping off w enough h2o" theory sound like the culprit?