specific gravity question


i am a week and a half into my cycle(75g, ls, 4 damsels)....my specific gravity reads 1.022.....is this ok? i heard one should not add salt right to the tank to get it up to 1.023. i don't think i should really change any water yet....what advice can you give me? sorry for my ignorance...first tank...


1.022 is fine. Most reefers keep it between 1.022 - 1.026. Mine is at 1.023. Dont change water yet. Do that when the cycle is over. Just leave it and ride it out.
If you are really worried about the level being low a way to raise the salininty is to take some water out of the tank and add salt to it and then put the water back in the tank. If you do decide to do this then you have to do it really slow.
What do you have in the tank to cycle it?


Active Member
That's a good salinity for a FO system. I wouldn't go below 1.021 but you are fine. FO systems don't need to be kept at higher salinites, in fact keeping a FO system at a lower salinity benefits the fish by allowing more oxygen to become dissolved in the water column.