Specific Gravity


When I add my I-Bionic II solution for the Alkalinity the specific gravity goes much higher and my skimmer just starts sucking the water out... is there a way to raise my alk without having the specific gravity go up so much?
Any suggestions?


On the back of the Alk bottle it says that it may increase your Specific gravity.
So I thought this would be the prob.


I actually havent tested it...i dont have a tester or whatever you need. It just says your skimmer may start to suck a lot of salt water out and will need adjusted due to the increase in S.G.


hmmm,:notsure: I'm not sure about that. I didn't think anything would affect your sg, except for evaporation. You need a hydrometer to measure your sg/salinity. They are cheap, less than 15 bucks. If you can afford it, get a refractometer, they are upwards of 50 or 60 bucks. You definitely need one or the other.
The only additive I know about that will affect your protein skimmer is water conditioner, just makes more foam for a while.


:happyfish Never heard of that chemical neotrin. Although when I add my chemicals, my protein skimmer fills faster, so I turn it off when dosing, and doing live dt, phytoplankton. They reccomend that, otherwise, it just goes right into the skimmer. Also, I might suggest you invest in a refractometer. The cheepo salinity meters don't even come close to what your salinity really is, so you may not even have a problem if you do have the cheapy hydrometers. You can get a good refractometer for like $40 anywhere. Good luck, ali


first i dont think bionic will effect your sg.
second how do you even set your tank up let alone two tanks without a way to measure your sg levels????:notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure:


:happyfish Kyle- he said his salinity goes up and down, so he has something to measure it, we were just saying buying a refracometer instead of a hydrometer might be more acurate to tell what his salinity is. -ali


Thanks Ali.
Yeah I will invest in a refractometer....
When I does the Bionic II my Protein skimmer goes nuts and produces tons of white foam...just draining the tank. Maybe when dosing it I will just turn the skimmer off for a while until things settle down.
It has never done that before until I started using the Bionic II Alk yesterday.
thanks for the help guys.