speed of light


Mass becomes infinite becuase the energy required is infinite. If you took a rubber ball and made it travel the speed of light you would need to expend all energy in the universe to do so including the ball's energy as well. This is proven using E=mc2. But this is problematic since in recent years it has been proven through expieriments that light can be retarded by cooling down the photon. Which brings the problem of: if light is not a constant what is? Well that's when you get into the development of Super String theory, super symmetry and M theory. All have thier own valid points but all are flawed at some level because they only apply in outer space. If they were to work on earth where we have an abundance of "gravity" which acts as a tuner on the strings in which every particle acts on we would have a unified theory called M theory. But that would all depend on the existance of Super Symmetry, in which you have two particles (Fermions=Matter) and (Bosons=Force). So supersymmetry relates the particles that transmit forces to the particles that make up matter. Supersymmetric partners to currently known particles have not been observed in particle experiments, but theorists believe this is because supersymmetric particles are too massive to be detected at current accelerators. And that's as simple as I can put it for you. If you have any questions do a search on yahoo for super string theory and it should direct you to a site that can explain it a whole lot better.


Nothing is impossible, but some things are improbable. - Old Vulcan proverb.
It's not that warp speed is impossible but faster than light travel is not probable.
Our main form of fuels we use are fossil fuels. If we expect to travel near light speed we need different ways of propulsion.
We do and have used Ion drives to move space vehicals but those are too slow to start up and way to hard to slow down. Ion drives work as following if you were to launch a ship toward Mars from Earth using an Ion drive, you could accelerate towards Mars up until a little before half way when you would have to start slowing down.
The "main" problem of space travel is not how to accelerate to a near light speed, but more how do you slow down from near light speed? Once you figure out how to slow down then it's all down hill from there.
Also, it's theorized that in space there would be too much "friction" from dark matter for a vehical to achieve near light speed.


i think that light spped is possible. i mean if they can do it in sttar wars...... LOL i have no idea wat any of u are talking about bcuz i have never taken physics. its still fun to hear u all ramble on. not to insist that any of u are rambling it's just that i am 2 stupid to understand