Spider web like stuff all over

tax lady

My tank has spider web stuff all over. Actually it is not long and stringy, mostly short, and dust like all over even on the filter, like it is covered in dust. What could be causing this?
Thanks for any info on this.


New Member
I had something similair happen in my tank but i never figured out what happened I got rid of it by doing water changes, changing all my filters and cleaning my skimmer.


Active Member
Spider man crabs!
They are vermited snails. They are harmless But can multiply and get annoying. To kill just smash them with your finger, carefull, kind of pokey. There good to have, the web stuff is how they feed.
They don't look like a snail. Look for a very pointy kind of worm sticking off you LR, prolly about a quarter inch long.


If you can, post a picture or video. It's hard to tell based on your description. I've seen spaghetti worms and hair worms send out web-like tentacles that drop and attract all sorts of dust and detritus.


Active Member
Yes their is aptaisa, peppermint shrimp isn't doing its job....
The white tube one is what you are talking about. It's web is sucking in, can see it over mushroom. This photo was taken just after the lights were turned on.
Attachment 235547


Active Member
You can see the vermited snails behind the big mushroom. They are pointy, like thorns.

tax lady

Don't have anything that looks like that, pointy and all.
Can't take pics either. Camera broke on me.