spider webs in my tank,hmmm webs from rock to rock


Active Member
Originally Posted by Birdy
Can you get a picture or a more specific description?
Here is a pic. (hard to see) of mine. It litterally looks as if there is a web like material on the rock and particles are getting caught in it just like it would in a spider web.
Look at about the center (Land R) about 2 inches up.


I have worms that wil make a web looking thing what color are the strings mine are kinda reddish. and you can see them moving may be the same


Active Member
Originally Posted by jjlittle
I have worms that wil make a web looking thing what color are the strings mine are kinda reddish. and you can see them moving may be the same
My web like things are white in color.


Well I would say get better pic posted so we can see this creature it may be a rare and worth lots of $$$$$$$$$$$.lol


Active Member
They're probably vermetid snails. They attach themselves to the rock and send out webs to catch their food.


Are these vermetid snails common hitch hikers? I had some of these white web looking things as well. They seem to have gone away, but they were there for a couple weeks.


One day I got a urchin and a feather duster.
I started to notice a spider web (clear / white), very long, going from these two into the filters (canister filter and power filter intakes).
It quickly turned into lota of webbing, at the time the urchin and feather duster where together.
I seperated them, but still saw webbing.
I got rid of both (the feather duster and the urchin) and never had the problem again.
Never knew what it was.................


i have like a 7 head frog spawn and the web is com'n from an empty small tube in the branch..something pops up and down in the tube. it pops out so lil i cant make out what it is :thinking:.. im starting to think spiderman lives in there,yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :joy:


I have turbo snails (i think thats what they are) that make a weird web too. I always thought it was the feather dusters or something but then one day i saw one spitting the webbing stuff out near some liverock and thats when i knew wat it was.


Active Member
I had a worm imbedded in my yellow polyp frag that used to do this until I busted it off and discarded it.