Spider wed in my fish tank??


Active Member
i just noticed today that there is spider wed like growth on my LR... i cannot get a pic..... does anyone know wut it might be?


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i dont have a wrass.. i have a CB angle, 2 perc clowns, cleaner shrimp, camel back shrimp, porcylin crab, hermits, snails


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Vermetid snails will put out a mucous web to catch food. Just throwing one out there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wareagle
i have a wrasse and a similar problem. what does the wrasse have to do with it?
Some wrasses create a web like nest. If your wrasse sleeps in that area, odds are it's her nest.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigarn
Vermetid snails will put out a mucous web to catch food. Just throwing one out there.

That would be my guess aswell... here's a pic of a large one... often times they are small and concealed so they are difficult to see.