

Active Member
I just bought a new peice of LR from a different LFS. i usually don't buy from them cause they're overpriced, but this nice peice was on sale. It's got a few orangeish little tubes on it. Looks like the kind that featherdusters come out of, but they're larger and don't have the "feathers". They're stationary, and some kind of lift off of the rock where the end opening is like it's reaching up, unlike my featherdusters. Today I reaquascaped the rock and notced a spider webby substance comming out of them. What are they?
Sorry, I know how you guys like pics but I don' thave a camera. ^^'


Active Member
I knew they were good, just forgot what they were. thanks guys, that's exactly it. Will the webs ever irratate anything?


Active Member
I think they're ugly too, but I'd feel bad if I killed them. xD I'm hoping I'll get coral to cover them up someday, or pile rocks around them


LOL...crush their tubes....how mean
I just clean the webby stuff up, and as you said Fret.....place stuff around them.....Mine are in kinda inconspicous spots anyway