Spiny Blue Lobster Question


marine bio 101

I want to add a spiny blue lobster to my tank. I have a 120 gallon tank and have 3 emerald crabs, blue leg hermits, scarlett hermits, various type snails, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 1 BTA, maroon clown, naso tang, emperor angel, and flagfin angel. Would I have any concerns with this lobster killing any of my current stock? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


I wouldn't imagine you would. I had a purple lobster once and he would hide all day and only come out to feed. If you get one be advised that it will spend all its time hiding and may or may not come out to eat.
i had a spiny blue lobster.. but he only live for like 1-2 weeks.. unfortuneatly.. but yeah he will hide most of the time and only come out during the night when the lights are off. ..
but he didnt bother any of my fish or inverts.. i think you will be safe with him


Active Member
I have one too, have had it for over 2 yrs now. Agree with the others about hiding and you probably won't see much of it. It will more than likely prey on crabs, snails, fish, at least mine does. It doesn't kill everything all at once, so every now and again I may need to put in some more crabs and snails in, it isn't that bad. If I could ever catch him though, I'd probably take him out of my DT and put him in the fuge or something. Good luck if you decide to get one. Don't be freaked out the first time it molts and the shell is left(looks like it died or something, until you pull it out and realize it is just the shell).