Spiny Box Puffer


Would I be okay to put a Spiny Box Puffer in with a perc clown and a small hippo tang in a 55 FOWLR tank


Active Member
IMO, I would not put the puffer or the Tang in a 55 and especially not together!!!!! Tangs need 6 feet of swimming room atleast and the puffer will eventually eat the Tang if the Tang didn't die first of ICH. The clown in there with the puffer is a definate NO NO


Active Member
spiney boxes also need a tank of 90 gallons. So no to everything but the perc. The tang and the puffer both get very large.


Then what type of puffer would be okay with a perc clownfish? I have heard both yes and no about putting a blue tang in a 55 gallon. I plan on buying a small one and trading it when it starts to get big... Does this sound okay? If not then what fish would you recomend in a 55 gal FOWLR. The only fish I have as of right now is a 3 stripe damsel, a blue damsel, and a false percula clownfish. I plan on getting rid of the 2 damsels but they are really hard to catch. They hide inside the LR when they see the net coming. I have about 70 lbs of LR. Anybody have suggestions???


Active Member
i have a 29 with a valentini puffer. The only puffers that will fit in a 55 are most of the sharpe nosed puffers. such as tobys, valentinis, honeycomb, ect. But none of the ones with a mouth like a porkeypine's, spiney box's, star-and-stripe's, ect
how about a goby? any type is pretty much awsome


Active Member
yes. PUffers will eat inverts though, so watch out. My valentini has never looked at a hermit, but i just found out i lost two snails and he seems to be the culprit. Either that or my big scarelet hermit saw an opertunity