Spiny Oyster


This is one of my newest additions to reef today. I got him for 12 dollars. He is as big as a softball.
I also installed my new 250w metal halide with spider reflector today. The bulb is Ushio 10,000k. What a difference it makes!
I have set up a refugium ( 9.9g tall) and have been taken pics of the process of putting it together. I will post pics on a new website later this week.
On another note, the Serpent Star I added has lost all of his legs except one. The other are half inch nubs. He crawled around and went under a shell and they broke off. Hope he makes it.


Active Member
COOL!!! looks like it came from the depths of hell! does it do anything!? and what does it look like inside; inbetween the mantel... 12 bucks well spent


Active Member
Try and feed it well with planktonic size food or other filter feeder food. These have as good a chance is captivity as flame scallops.


Could I get one of these with my 4 watts per gallon of vho? I feed Invert Gumbo filter food twice a week to my reef...would that be enough for one of these guys?


Active Member
These guys are not about the light. They need food and plenty of it or they will starve. The problem is if you try to feed it a lot you will compromise the quality of your water.