split fins


I don't know what fin rot looks like but I don't think this is it.
My maroon clows fin has a cut going sraight in. Like it just split w/ no pieces missing, follow? Sorry for my luck, no pic. He had some white fuzz on his anal fins for a bit but went away (for two weeks, ended two weeks ago) Is this new slice in the tail likely to be due to stress or a disease. Or more likely because of him cruising around the tank causing trouble?
This was noticed today, I'll keep an eye on it and post updates.


No, I really don't think it is. One other fish in the 75 and it's a solar fairy wrasse. I'm just going to keep an eye on it and hope for the best.
I can't worry too much about every little thing wrong with my fish. I would never enjoy the tank.

florida joe

Well-Known Member

I am currently going through the same thing with a royal gramma it has been in QT for 3 weeks eating great supplementing its food with Zoecon as Beth suggested I hope we can both get to the bottom of this