Splitting Anemone?


Active Member
Well, I have had my bubble tip anemone for about a month or so and I was looking at the middle of the anemone and it looked like their was a really bright white line through the mouth of the anemone, is it splitting? how can u tell if its splitting?


They usually do it overnight.
If you have a camera and you truly believe it is splitting then I would look at it several times during the night and if it is splitting then I would love to see some shots of it during its progress.
I could even guarantee a thread that would be well recieve and viewed.
I have about 9 and have never caught them splitting, but when I do it will be a photo event.


New Member
my RBTA had a white line across it too so i thought it was splitting.... the white line was in the center of a like a crease
BUT... it disappeared. o_O i have no clue what happened.