splitting bubble tip anemones?!?!?!?!


i came home this afternoon and fed the fish, then relaxed for a while. after a couple of hours, i came back and my bubble tip had split into 2 separate individuals!! is this normal?? is it considered good? i have two clarkii clowns, and now each one has an anemone. i hope this isnt a bad sign. how do i feed them after the fission, or do i just wait a couple of days for them to heal before trying to feed?


Hello,Bubble tips will split,pretty cool... It's a good sign,you can feed them store bought shirmp.


Congratulations, you just had a baby!! It's totally normal if the anemone is happy, and is a great sign!
Just treat the new one as you treated the old one. Feed on your regular schedule. It's amazing to me how anemones split and don't seem any worse for wear within hours!!


This is great news, invite over some friends and have a party! In home aquariums most anemones don't survive very long and the fact is that most perish! Keeping anemones entails that alot should be done to keep them healty and happy, and it seems like your doing a great job at that! Keep an eye on them for signs of more. The reproductive rate of most anemones in the wild is very lo and some specimens are believed to be hundreds of years old, and the collection of them is, to me not ethical when most are not cared for properly. Here's and idea keep doing what your doing, next time alk to your lfs and try and work soething out for selling then "tank raised anemones" this will help offset some of your maintence costs (salt,bulbs,etc....) and your having a direct impact on the aquarium trade right in your own area, this can also be done with corals too! Keep up the good work, I salute you!