Splitting Live Rock???


I just received two big pieces of Tonga Deepwater Rock (not the branch kind). They are probably about 10" high x 15" long. They are uncured, which is fine because it will be going into a new setup to cycle.
It's going into a 16 gal. bow front, so I need to break it down into smaller pieces. I have never done it before, and am very nervous about this venture! :nervous:
Any suggestions or helpful hints?
I'm going to try to attach a pic...


just use a hammer and chizzle. Start to chizzle the shape or sizes that you want the rock and it should be pretty easy. Dont worry about killing anything, you wont.


Active Member
you could prob go to a local fish store (not ***** or anything like petsmart) and get more rock for a trade. those are nice pieces and anyone of my lfs would trade in a heartbeat for cured rock to save the environment a little more.
in a couple weeks those pieces could be sitting in a 125 while you have more live rock and sit happy with your smaller tank.


I''ve done it with success, Just use a drill bit, long one, and you can drill holes along a line that you want them to break, Then a good heavy hammer and a chisle worked for me. I split a roundish rock that was about 13-15 inches across and it split beautifully in half.
Here is a large piece of base rock in upper right corner that I had to split.


Here it is in the tank a few months after adding. They made nice overhangs and left things open underneath.


LOL that shot is almost 2 years old. Things are much different now, and once I did post a whole shot, but you will have to search for it -C.


Yeah, I could trade them in, but I'd really like to make them work. It's really nice looking stuff, and you guys won't believe this, but I got it for free! :D
Plus I'm not too impressed with my LFS, so who knows what their rock looks like! Speaking of...Thomas712, you are in my area, are there any good stores in Midland? (Great looking setup by the way!!!)
Think I'll be brave this afternoon and hit it with the hammer and chisel! Do you think it would be better to split them in half first and then whittle them down to the sizes I want or start on one end and work from there?


Active Member
I have broken up a number of rocks in my day. No big deal to do it. I like Thomas's idea of drilling the rock where you want it to break. This will help make fracture lines. Just make sure to do it outside and on some newspaper. Also be careful because it is easy to get splinters in your hand. Also do not be dissapointed, they never break exactly how you want it to. But the drilling might help with that.


Well, it went better than I thought it would. I might have to break some up a little smaller when I go to arrange it, but I will deal withy that when it's dones cycling.
Here it is, just after I put it in the tank. It has a lot more color than the picture shows...will have to play with my digital camera to get better photos.
Thanks...everybody...for your suggestions!


Found a clam of some sort on one of the pieces. His insides were really slimy, so I don't think he's alive, but I still thought he was cool.


I wouldn't change the set up...nice work.
Also, that clam is probably dead if it's all the way opened like that. Though it gives the tank character. I've got a few in my tank.


Thanks!!! I was pretty happy the way it turned out...much better than I expected. I was afraid I would just end up with a pile of rubble. lol.
Yeah, I figured the clam was a goner. Didn't even realize he was there at first. I was scrubbing the rock, and thought it was a small piece that was breaking off, so I went to pull it off and realized what it was! Still cool to look at though.
I'm just so excited to finally have this tank up and going! :D