Splitting shroom?


Our purple shrooms dont actually "split". They appear to either move a little and leave a piece behind which grows into a shroom or one will decide to "extend" its foot and, voila, a new shroom is born. I'll check to see if we have a pic.


Wow, that's cool! Thank you! The pics are great:happy: . I have some green striped shrooms that literally look like they are cutting themselves in half. I just want to make sure that they are happy in my tank!

yosemite sam

Active Member
Some of my shrooms split down the middle like an anemone. I have some fuzzy green ones that do it a lot. They start ripping at the mouth an usually within a day or so will finish splitting. A couple a days later they are healed up and there are two where there were one. It sounds like that's what you've got - congrats!


Sounds like they're happy to me. We don't have the stripped shrooms, but we did just pick up rock with a bunch of green ones and it looks like they've already multiplied. MAybe they were just closed or something, but I think our first count was 15 and now there are at least 18-19. I can check for pics if you like.


Great! Thanks for the replies! I am somewhat experienced with a FOWLR tank, however, I've just started getting into shrooms and want to make sure that I'm providing the right environment!


Active Member
Ricordia Mushrooms usually form a second mouth and split but as the others said most varieties have babies like this.


Active Member
Here is an older picture of a few of my ricordia that have developed a 2nd mouth and are prepairing to splt


OOHH..what is the difference between a ricordia and a green hairy mushroom? Same thing? I have three that seem happy. It's my greem striped shroom that seems to be shrinking and/or splitting.


Couldnt find the original pic, so you'll just have to trust me...There was not THAT many when we put them in.