Ihave a brown leather toadstool that i purchased from a online fish store, there is 2 of them attached together by the base, is it possible to split them apart , or just leave them , they are doing very well, here is a pic of them.
IMO, break the rock and split the 2 somehow, they will both heal. Like said, that would take care of the attachment process. The pic makes it look like there is little rock the littlest one is attached to, if so, just glue that to a bigger piece of "rubble" rock you have around (much easier attaching rock to rock). Use super glue gel, it will not harm anything. You can and should take it out of the tank, then do your break, return the bigger toadstool. If you have to use the glue, I would do this at the tank. Dry the rocks off as good as you can, add the glue and then dip in the tank, it will turn white and then push the two pieces together and done. I only suggest trying to split them because if you cut the little one off anywhere on the base, a new head will form and your back to square one. And I had a heck of a time attaching a cut at the stalk leather to a rock, tried several ways and trying to keep easier. HTH so sorry this is so long!
Thank you for replying back, i went to the lfs and they said to take a razor blade and cut the bottom of the base, so i did that and wedged the 2 pieces down to a rock, my question is will they eventually attach themselves to the rock eventhough there already on a very small piece that they came on, or will i be better of taking them off the rock and glueing them to a rock.