Splitting up is hard to do...

I've got these four hairy mushrooms that are just huge! The largest is about 8" across and the rest are about six". Is this normal? Is it hard to get these guys to split, or should I take matters in to my own hands (snip,snip). I've never tried to propagate corals before, but I could try. They've just outgrown the spot they're in....maybe a bigger tank.....hmmm. Anyone have any luck with propagation?

nm reef

Active Member
I currently have 5 rather large bright green ones in my display...the largest is maybe 5" across all the others are close to that size except for one that recently split. Personally I'd let them be and allow them to split on their own...unless you intend to remove them for trade or something of that nature. They can be propagated but why tamper with them if they are secure and thriving unless you absolutely need to?
Got a pic? Man, I've got tons! Thanks, Stapler! The Domino isn't mean at all compared to a Clarkii protecting his anenome. Those little teeth hurt!


I have the exact same mushrooms as you and mine grow like crazy too. I simply take them out and cut them into quarters, then used a mesh material draped over a pice of rock to hold the new cutting in place while they attach and heal. I will also dose the tank with some Iodine after cutting, this seems to help speed up the recovery process.
This process seems to work for me on all my mushrooms (red, purple, green striped, and hairy).
My 2 coins.:D


Active Member
Simsimbalabim, gorgeous tank! Great colors.
I also wouldn't frag them. Yes, you can, but I wouldn't. I have a few of them myself and they have always fragged on their own. I currently only have 3, but each has a span of about 8". If you want to encourage them to split you could try moving them to another location. That may cause them enough stress that they'll be encouraged to split. Whenever I relocate ANY of my mushrooms, they are more likely to split as the adjust to the new location.