Sponges in a FOWLR tank ? looking to add color to the fowlr tank.


New Member
I'm not sure of the credibility of this info i read it i think in 1 of my books, it seems an emperor adult angelfish will nibble or even eat sponges. Does anyone know if a Golden Heart Triggerfish (GHT) would also eat them,the GHT will move smaller pieces of a tree sponge and just cause mayham and every day the 4 inch sponge would be in another spot.No matter where you put it or wedge it the GHT seems to enjoy to annoy me, lol.
(this small 4-6 inch branch of an orange tree sponge broke off or grew from its original larger tree sponge.)I notice i had a small orange sponge tree like sponge stuck to a rock i could not get to and when i added the adult emperor angelfish he nibbled on it but did not look like it harmed or bit off the sponge, after many years this large orange beautiful tree sponge is imbeded in a huge rock and just about impossible to move pretty much. Now over the years i have seen many tangs nibble on th sponges but most likely they are just eating off algae and grazing on them.
Anyways my question is what natural colros since we cant put in coral to my 240G FOWLR tank can i use to get some of a red blue yellow and orange coloration in the tank-tree sponges i love but would they make it with the new additions of the GHT and the Emperor angelfish ?
in this tank i have a Purple tang(4.5 inches), a Blue tang (7.5 inches),a Foxface (6 inches) , a pair of mating adult huge ocalleris clownfish,the emperor changing to adult angelfish (5 inches), and the GHT (7.5 inches).also a red spotted scooter blenny 3 inches and a LMB 31/4 inches. i had a red mandarin but its MIA.

Thanks everyone!


New Member
the GHT is very intresting its sorta new so not many info is available and many varies as we learn about its behavior mine is pretty tame not like a clown triggerfish or a undulated triggerifsh. it does bully its tank mates but they can hold their own.
its annoying though cuz it ruins my caves all the time and well im very perticular.
i had a small brach of a tree sponge and everywhere i put it it just basically threw it on the SB but never ate it its in fine health.
now i wedged it under a huge rock it cant lift and in time it will stick to it from the base, im more concerned with my emperor angelfish eating the sponge the tree sponges. but i have enough sponges on my LR its a very established 6 year old tank with 160 lb's of LR and 240G.
im training it to eat frozen mysis frozen formula 1 and 2 in rotation with nori and i have enough beneficial macro algae in the tank for it to eat and get off the tree sponges im trying to natrually add some color besides the purple coraline LR and colorful fish into the tank and im trying with a red and orange tree sponge, i have perfect caves with strong flow and lower lighting away from the MH- so i think it will work if i can just get the tree sponges in a great spot and have them stick in then the trigger wont move it but then he might bite it so hard to move it...arghhh i shouldve got a trigger that wa more known than a ght but i have it almost 6.5 years from 2 inches to 7.5 i cant let go!
thanks for the help :)