spot feeding shrooms?


I've had various types of shrooms for some time now, and i've noticed that some of the larger ones seem to be fading a bit.
I guess my quesiton is - do you need to spot feed shrooms at all? What if they are almost 5 inches in diameter?
If yes, how do you go about doing so?
If not, how exactley are they eating?


I am really not sure but I can give you 2 stories. I have a friend that has mushrooms all over his tank and never spot feeds.
I have a newer tank and I feed frozen Cyclop-Eeze and Marine Snow every night and spot feed Cyclop-Eeze about once a week. My mushrooms do not look any better or worse than his. Long story short ...... darnifiknow :notsure:


New Member
It is my understanding that you do not need to spot feed mushrooms. The light they recieve is enough, along with filterfeeding. I suppose you could spot feed. But I don't think it is necessary.


Active Member
I don't think they actually need to be spot fed. I have mushrooms growing and sprouting all over the place... Even behind my rock work where hardly any light gets to and they grow like mad and have never fed them


No, you do not need to spot feed 'shrooms. They are "light feeders", in that they have Zoozanthelea (SIC?) that are fed off the correct amount of light, which in turn, feeds the 'shroom. If your 'shrooms are fading, I suggest water change, and a look at your light situation. However, they are some of the easiest coral to keep, and no matter how negligent I think I am being, they always survive. I have never spot fed them.


shrooms love filthy conditions. they dont require much light but I too suggest a water change. If you also want them spread faster try cutting one up into 4-5 peices and just toss them in. Doesnt matter where they land. after a while those peices will eventually turn into shrooms. Please dont ever glue them to your rock work just place them in a dead spot where there is no current. After a while they will attach them selves. Take my word, Ive got hundreds of Metalic Blues.