Spots on puffer's stomach- not ich- stress?


Active Member
it is def not ick but i notice spots on my mappa's stomach would this be from stress from the move and a huge water change today??? is it serious? or temporary?


Active Member
thanks i am very happy to say!
Nothing went wrong... nothing died. Trip went great!
I did a major water change on Sunday. The nitrates were through the roof on my 180. All fish are doing great, including my new mappa he is awesome. Very active friendly and eats a ton! I don't think I can afford to feed him. haha :)


I am glad everything worked out okay! The mappa will be a little pig. Watch out, what goes in must come out. Monitor your levels as he gets a little bigger. You may have to bump up your filtration.


Active Member
i know ive been doing water changes every 4 days because he keeps the nitrates high. skimmer is working better than ever too.


Add more detrivores to your tank. They will help eat his waste before it breaks down. If you have more filtration it will catch his solid wastes. There isn't much you can do about his liquid waste.


Originally Posted by fish1031
LOL, YES detrivores. They are things like nassarus snails, bristle worms, conches, ect. Critters that burrow in the sand and shift it around. There are sand shifters and sand sifters. Don't buy things like sand sifting stars. They consume every beneficial critter in the sand before starving to death, yet they can be bought in almost any LFS that sells salt fish. Look on this site for a detrivore package. It may also be under clean up crew.


Originally Posted by fish1031
won't the puffer eat everything... and wraase and trigger?
Look or ask in the aggressive forum for detrivores, see what they use. I was not thinking about the aggressive fish that you have in there. You may have to rely on man made filtration. How is everyone doing?


Originally Posted by renogaw
lots and lots of trips to the LFS :p
Hey, no comments from the peanut gallery
I was just thinking about your kole the other day. Someone had a YT with semi-severe HLLE and was wondering if it would leave scars. How is the little guy doing? PM me. I am sure fish1031 doesn't mind but I don't want to fill his post with our chat.