spotted hawkfish any thoughts?


Just got a spotted hawk fish..anyone have any experience with theses guys
Its says to moniter w/ shrimp...what about hermits?
My cleaner shrimp is twice the size of him so I don't think I should be worried?


Active Member
I've got a Falco and a Red Spotted Hawkfish. They are great. They never pick on snails or hermits or Emeralds.
I've got 2 Scarlet Cleaners that they don't harass either, but I probably wouldn't put them with Peppermints.
The only invert they occasionally harass are my Brittlestars. They try to steal food from them.


I was doing some searching and I got a Falco Hawkfish...looks to be probably almost full grown size...hope he works out


Active Member
Hawks will typically eat any shrimp which will fit in their mouths, which is probably why the cleaners are still in good shape. I too would not trust them around peppermints.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RoyalGamma
I was doing some searching and I got a Falco Hawkfish...looks to be probably almost full grown size...hope he works out
They look similar. The Red Spotted is the only hawkfish found in the Caribbean. I suspect that is why my Falco and it get along. Hawks normally don't like each other, but my two swim/perch together constantly. (of course they have lot's of room to play so maybe that helps too)


I had a falco. He was extremely personable and fun to watch. He did pick at the few shrimp I had in the tank. They were peppermints. I never had a cleaner with him, so I wouldn't know. best of luck with him


I've got a Lyretail Hawkfish (about 4 1/2" long nose to tail) that doesn't bother any of my inverts and I've got a large (body is about 3" long) CB shrimp that actually harasses my hawkfish a bit. I would love to get some peppermints and a cleaner shrimp, but I'm afraid that they would just be expensive snacks for my CB shrimp and my hawkfish, so I'll just wait until we upgrade to a bigger tank and stock it with shrimp friendly animals.


My red spotted and my falco both chase each other incessantly. The red spotted had to be moved from another tank because he kept harassing the purple firefish gobis. Mine's quite aggressive, and even stole krill right out of an arrow crab's claws tonight.