Spotted Mandarin Dragonet


I am sooo excited I got my baby today and she is beautiful thanks to A couple of days ago I went to my LFS and bought some live brine and copepods to make sure my Dragonet would be ready full for full stomach. I want to keep my fish as healthy as possible and information to do so is accepted. I will keep everyone posted on how my baby is doing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brandib
yes I have probably close to 70lbs of really (really) good live rock.
How old is the tank? Do you think you have a pod population spawning yet? Of the 200 you have ,some will die and the rest will get eaten very quickly. Please see if you can get him to eat mysis shrimp or at least brine shrimp soaked in vitachem and/or garlic.. keep us updated.


He's has eaten already so I am assuming that is a good sign....right??? He ate the live brine I fed him before I put him in the tank. Thanks for th info guys!!!!!


that is good he/she (ur baby) is eating but soak the live brine in viatimins to ensure ur baby lives a long healthy life, brine has little nutritional value, viatimins will come in handy


Thanks for all the extra info guys I will keep you updated and hopefully learn how to post some pics soon.