Spotted Mandarin


I bought a large spotted mandarin to pick at the plenaria in my reef tank and he has done a magnificent job. So well, that in 3 months I can't find any evidence of flat worms at all. But now the mandarin is starting to lose weight. I also feed frozen brine shrimp which he eats, but it he definitely prefers to pick from the live rock. I have a 75 gallon reef tank with lots of live rock. This is a 5 year old tank, well established, but I'm afraid he may be running out of food. Is there anything else that mandarin like to eat that I can be providing him?
Thanks for any input.
if it's five years own, your pod pop should be high enough to feed him, but if nothing else, try cyclopese, my madarin loves it


how much live rock do you have? wierd....evryone says there is a very very slim chance they eat frzoen foods, but all my lfs mandaran (around 6) eat formula 1, and all the ones before the oens in the store now, ate formula one. lucky bunch?


I have about 60 lbs of live rock. He is a very large mandarin and I suspect needs lots of food. He will eat some frozen brine but really prefers to pick at the rock. I soak the brine in some Garlic Extreme to make it interesting for him. I read that they also eat live black worms. I don't know anything about black worms or where to buy them.
cyclopese.....I've never heard of them either until my mandarin was starving then my lfs sold me a bar of it frozen, just ask your lfs