Spotted pufferfish in a reef tank?

I saw my first pufferfish today, it looked awesome. It had purple transparent eyes. Anyway, I've been reading that pufferfish should not be in a reef tank due to the fact that they eat corals. Has anyone out there kept a pufferfish in a reef tank with no ill effects? I'm going to add corals to my tank in the future and I'd love to have this fish. Any advice?


Active Member
I've been told no puffer fish are reef safe. I've also read it on countless occasions. As for personal experiences with them, I have none.


New Member
I have had two puffers, but never in a reef. My first puffer took a foot tall dead coral and ate it until it was only about six inches witin in a year time. My second puffer, a beautiful yellow guy, took to chomping on the dead coral right away also. So... I would anticipate that they would also eat away at your live coral as well. Don't think I would try it if I were you, I know that I am not going to get one for my new reef.
I had a puffer fish in my reef tank for a long time, and it did not bother my coral at all. Cant you believe it?? im not lying...I had it.....but one day it jumped out of the tank.....i missed that guy. I think because i have a pretty big coral banded shrimp in there. puffers should not be kept with shrimps, but u can risk the risk of putting it in a reef tank, maybe it will workout who knowz?? Hope you good luck


Believe it or not, my lfs has a preditor reef going as an experoment! they have lots of triggers,puffers,wrasses(unsuitible to reefs) eels and much more! they have been working on it for 3 years now and nothing has eaten anything! I highly dont recommend this though, the wrass gets buged when new corals are placed in the tank, so he comes over and knocks the coral on the sand.PRETTY COOL! DONT RECOMMEND IT!


Puffers are VERY curious fish and I'm sure would take a great interest in corals. I know how my puffer behaves in my FO tank and there is no way I would think of putting him in my reef tank. They are cool fish though.