Spotted something weird looking's clear, small (about the size of the tip of your nail), fast, resembles a flea....oh yeah, and it was traveling along the sandbed quickly when we were arranging rock. What is it?


New Member
That's strange. I, too, have noticed something like this for the last two nights. I think mine may be a little different though. I switched out my CC for LS on Sunday. The last two nights I've seen this jellyfish looking thing in my tank. It's clear, and it's body is like that of a tulip that opens and shuts. And the "legs" look like a "V" shape. I swear I thought it was a jellyfish. But its small. I can see it without the magnifying glass but couldn't really tell that it was "opening" up like a tulip without the magnifying glass. I'm no expert on these things so maybe one of the "sharks" here can help identify these creatures. I did question before the several copepods that I had in the tank (seem to have lost a lot of them when I switched over to the LS). And ideas what these creatures are?