spray bar help - zepplin and others


Active Member
I'm going to be adding overflows and sumps to both of my tanks this weekend, so I will also need to make 2 spray bars. The primary purpose of the spray bar is to diffuse current into the tank. It it really as easy as just drilling holes in a piece of PVC to diffuse the current?
The spray bar for my 44g pentagon will run vertically down the back corner of the tank. It will have 2 large holes near the water surface, then several smaller holes down the lenght of the PVC. This should give good current near the surface of the water, and enough current vertically to help prevent significant dead spots in the tank. A Mag 7 will be the return pump for this tank.
The spray bar for my 75g tank will run horizontally across the back of the tank near the surface. Larger holes will be further to the right on the spray bar, so the left side of the tank will have slightly less current. Zepplin - I was searching for info and saw a pic of the spray bar you made. Are the "nozzles" adjustable/aimable? I really like that design. Where did you find that type of nozzle? A Mag 9.5 will be the return pump for this tank.
Thanks for the info.


Active Member
3 90 degree elbows, one PVC piece cut to length you want...3/16inch holes driled in a semi straight line about 1 inch apart, and an end cap...and you are good to go with the spray bar.
Did it with a Mag 7 and 1/2", replaced with a Little Giant 4mdqx and 1 inch down to 3/4 for the spray bar...works great and doesn't even look that bad.


dreeves......and others for that matter!.....do you have a pic of your spraybar?! if so, please post....I would like to see the different ways you guys built yours.
John :cool:


Active Member
Here is a cheesy windows paint diagram. I think you will get the idea from it.
1/2 inch outlet from pump I keep at 1/2 spray bar. The other pump with the 1 inch outlet, I used 1" PVC all the way to the top of tank, then reduced it to 3/4 for the actual spraybar.


from what i have read, if you do not increase the hole size from the beggining to the end of the spray bar, ie. 1/8 holes at the point it is closest to the return pipe, 3/8 at the far end (or larger depending on how much water is going through the pipe), you will not have sufficient pressure to get water all the way at the end.
simply physics, water will push out the first holes it hits, and extra pressure will move along the bar until there is not sufficient pressure to carry it further.
i bring this up, because if you start with large holes and go to smaller ones, i am rpetty sure you will get a simple dribble out of the far end, creating the dead spots you are trying to avoid.
i could be totally wrong though.
for a real professional look i vote for going with the flexible return line, i think one brand is called "loc line". there are a huge assortment of nozzles that you can attatch to the end, and it comes in 1/2" 3/4" and 1" diameters.


Active Member
From my own experience with two setups...you're wrong with the dribble at the end. I have solid pressure throughout the entire length of spray bar. I suppose it would matter with the water pumps capability.