Having the return pump line feeding the spraybar from top to bottom will create a problem.
On your two vertical pipes running "up" to the horizontal pipes - each of those holes will act as a little overflow - when the power to the return pump is off.
In other words - turn off the pump - and the tank water level will begin to drop as tankwater falls through each hole on the vertical lines. The tankwater will continue to drain down into your sump, eventually overflowing the sump, and will drain down your tank to the lowest holes in those vertical lines.
When the pump goes off - the piping from the pump to the tank bottom bulkhead will begin to flow back down to the sump If the tankwater level is higher than this length of pipe ( which it will be ) .... tankwater will continue to fall through each hole until the level reaches the bottom most hole.
Something like this when return pump power is off.