

I am looking to build a spray bar for my 25 gallon setup, I don't need too much flow and would like to use a power head to power, but I am not sure what I need to hook up a powerhead to pvc. I could figure out a pump with threaded outputs, but my LFS(the good one), mentioned their 20 gallon breeder reef has a spraybar running off of a mp1200.


is your pump or powerhead going to be inside your tank or in a sump pumping to tank?
if it's all in your tank i would just take the powerhead to lowe's and fit test some flex tubing over it and go from there. i wouldn't see the need to glue or thread straight to the PH cause you may want to take it out and clean the impellar from time to time.
hope this helps


In DT.
I haven't order the Maxi-jet yet, but it's part of my planned upgrades(got bonus today!).
Sounds like if I order it I should be able to make a solution work.


I THINK the maxi has adapters for different size outputs. you can always order some hose clamps to hold the tubing on. I experimented and made my own spraybar out of PVC and ran it where I wanted it with flex tubing. If you or anyone wanted an idea for a spraybar, I would be glad to share my experimental spray bar with you.


the best way i found to get a clear plasic hose on a power head with clamps. inside the tank or sump. and i couldnt find the right size nylon ones. i got a hose that was a size smaller than the output on the pump, and heated it with a lighter. it doesnt burn it just heats it up so you can fit it over a larger diameter pipe. and once it cools it doesnt come off. i had to cut it off. i have done this outside the tank too,.