Spreadsheet for tracking tank info


Here's a simple Microsoft Excel spreadsheet I threw together to track my tank specs. It automatically charts your numbers on a second sheet so you have a visual reference of 'trends' in your tank. I left it open, so feel free to mess with it all you like. Download it from <a href="http://www.jfktower.com/tankspecs.xls" target="_blank">http://www.jfktower.com/tankspecs.xls</a>


Active Member
THANK YOU SO MUCH Musipilot !!!!!
I had lost my excel sheet I made several months ago, due to having to reformat my computer, and not having a back up.
Your's is much better than mine ever was, and you just saved me a good deal of time.
Sweet sheet :D :) :p
Thanks again,


Active Member
Very nice thanks.
I like making spreadsheets myself. I have made some for work that are so complex they took days to put together. Excell is a very powerful yet fairly easy to use tool.


i like it when you have an idea but your just too busy to do and someone does it for you. :D
Great Job! Only thing that I would change, and I did it on the sheet that I downloaded, are the perfect levels. If this is for a reef you may want to consider raising some of the specs.
Temp: 79-80
SG: 1.026
PH: 8.4
Alk: 3.2 - 3.6
NitrAte: <10 - 20
Calc: 400 - 450 or higher
This is my opinion and the specs that I have used with great success.
You did a great job Musipilot! especially with the active charting. Love it.


There is a lot of shareware out there you can check out, do a search on Yahoo. If you have a PALM you can get Aquapilot too. A lot of these will do graphs and the whole bit.