spring/summer project!

Very excited. Im getting another tank. Should be up and running well by the end of summer. Very minor however. My dad was unable to get his 55g reef tank drilled, so he had to order one pre drilled. He has the other 55g sitting in his office. I am bringing it home, and am either going to build a stand, or set some cinder blocks under it. It will not be in a viewing room, probably just in the storage room or extra bedroom.
Anyways its 55 gallons and I will do a DSB with play sand from menards for nitrate control. I will run a HOT magnum. For bio filtration I will run an emporer bio wheel, and some LR. Standard flourecent lights.
My plans are some LR and 1 mean trigger. Probably an undalate. If not an undalate possibly a niger and a humu humu.
Any reccomendations before I venture my new project? Does my filtration sound suffice.
I think 55's with Undulated triggers are cool tanks, you would probably be fine with the filtration as long as you keep up water changes.


Active Member
I had an undulate in a 55g by himself, and it was my favorite tank I've done. They are IMO one of the prettiest of all saltwater fish, and the best looking trigger. My undulate was incredibly smart. He learned to store food on filter and powerhead intakes, squirt water when he was hungry, and he loved to rearrange his decor. Mine ate anything - krill, squid, clam, silversides, prime reef, mysis, etc. - you get the point. The coloration of the individual also depends on the area it's from. Depending on location, your trigger could have an orange or green tail, and a different pattern. They are incredible fish. Too bad they get such a bad wrap.
thanks for the responses.
grouperhead-I remember you talking about your undalated tank, that is sortof where I got the idea. I will probably return to you for many questions in the near futre. thanks agian
BTW did you have LR in the tank?


Active Member
Yep, I had a good bit of liverock. He loved to dig caves in and under it and chew on it. He'd often destroy many of the smaller pieces. If you get an undulate, trust me, you won't regret it. And feel free to ask any questions.


I had one in a 45 for about half a year and just recently got rid of it. It was an awesome fish that ate anything i would give it and when i would do homework at my desk next to the tank, he would just hang out right up against the glass looking at me. I tried to get some damsels to co-exist with it but they just ended up being lunch. They might be a little shy at first but just give them some time.
awesome... thanks for the reply. do you guys think I could use fake play sand? I know it has too many impurities for a reef, but for a TOWL(trigger only with LR) tank, would play sand be ok?
bump for my last ?... anyone have any idea bout using play sand.
Also, do you think It would be ok if I put the undalated and a leoprad moray, or would this be risky...?
Play sand doesn't have the same buffering capacity as aragonite based sand, but it probably won't pollute the tank.
I wouldn't advise keeping anything with an undulated, that's a lesson I learned the hard way.

Originally posted by Fin Follower Ed
Play sand doesn't have the same buffering capacity as aragonite based sand, but it probably won't pollute the tank.
I wouldn't advise keeping anything with an undulated, that's a lesson I learned the hard way.

Thanks for the input. I dont think I will get the moray...