Sprung a leak


New Member

Hello All:
Got a problem, I have a small leak on one of the seams of my 55. I really don't want to disturb the corals and such by emptying the tank and resealing the seam. Has anyone had any luck fixing a leak with the tank still filled. Anyone suggest a good product that might work??
All the silicon products I've found need an empty tank to work, I did find an underwater Epoxy i'll give it a try! Any suggestions appreciated!


All the silicones that I have found said they needed a dry surface. If you don't find an underwater silicone you can try superglue gel. I have used it under water and other than wanting to get away from you, it does ok.


Active Member
you could even plug it with some non-toxic, waterproof putty, or the superglue as mentinoed above and then silicone it on the outside to make sure that it will hold and stay.


Active Member
To be totally honest, once that seam has started to leak it's just a matter of time and pressure before it gets bigger.....By using superglue or epoxy or whatever your just patching the problem......Do yourself a favor and tear the tank down and drain it and clean it good and you could try to reseal the entire seam....Don't try to patch just the area where it's leaking, because it won't bond and seal for longevity sake.......
By moving the corals and everything if done correctly your not going or shouldn't hurt them at all......It might be easier and cheaper possibly in the long run to just replace the tank.....55 gallon tanks aren't that expensive and it would give you better piece of mind..... :joy:

jonny bolt

Something that might help you.....I got these heavy duty plastic tubs at Wal-Nuts, they are strong as hell, and hold 15 gallons each comfortably. I use them for mixing water when doing a water change, or if I need to transfer stuff, etc. I agree, you should probably "tear it down" and either replace the tank (I see 55's in the Want-Advertiser all the time for next to nothing), or, patch the problem up. Use some of these buckets to siphon your water into, and throw a heater in along with your corals and stuff and you have nice temp. home for them while you do the dirty work. Good luck :)


New Member
Thanks for the reply's everyone. I have this underwater epoxy coming I'm going to give that a shot! Slow the leak down a bit!
Meanwhile I have a back up 30 gallon I'll setup as a temporary home and I guess it's time to upgrade.
Hmm 75 or 90 Gallons!! :joy:


Active Member
Hmmm, making lemonade out of lemons I see!!!! Very smart thinking but why stop at the 90, go for atleast a 120 and make it worth the hassle. Hope you can find a remedy until then.