SPS (Acros) with Softies and LPS!???!


See i was doing some reading and researching earlier and i though the same thing i thought it was a montipora...but i was taking the LFS at its word but i thought that most acroporas were more bushy and pointy than this one but he i still thought it looked cool.....i also read that montiporas were harder to keep than acros is that true.....


YOU KNOW THIS REALLY SUCKS.....I MEAN WHEN YOU BUY SOMETHING AND THINK ITS ONE THING AND IT TURNS OUT TO BE ANOTHER....I mean i do quite a bit of research on things before i buy them especially delicate hard to maintain pieces such as SPS coras and the LFS don't even know what they are doing....man oh well so what do you guys think the possibility of this coral changing colors is......


Active Member
It will be fine... It might change colors.. Richards turned from brown to green in a couple of weeks..
Good Luck!


It's already brown, so the only step down from there is white (dead). It should do fine in your tank, as long as you keep everything on the up and up...It may even brighten up for you! Who nows, but Father Time..