Hello all, my Dad just gave me permission to turn my FOWLR 55gal into a reef tank
so now I'm wondering about my lighting. Currently installed is 46.5" 110wActinic White VHO T12 bulb (w/a Workhorse 7 ballast) I just ordered another ballast(ARO VHO Ballast,220W) since the WH7 can only do 1 VHO bulb and the new ballast can do 2
So I also have (not currently installed) 1 46.5" 110w Super ActinicVHO T12 bulb and the endcaps for it.(wow! the color is awesome!)
I'm thinking(in the future when I have $$$!) to add another 110w 46.5" VHO bulb with the new ballast, but would this be enough for SPS corals? (besides montis)
Not many people have VHO bulbs, so I can't find much info about this, I was hoping you guys could answer some questions
Also, if this would be ok for SPS, what about clams?