SPS and VHO lights?



Hello all, my Dad just gave me permission to turn my FOWLR 55gal into a reef tank
so now I'm wondering about my lighting. Currently installed is 46.5" 110wActinic White VHO T12 bulb (w/a Workhorse 7 ballast) I just ordered another ballast(ARO VHO Ballast,220W) since the WH7 can only do 1 VHO bulb and the new ballast can do 2:) So I also have (not currently installed) 1 46.5" 110w Super ActinicVHO T12 bulb and the endcaps for it.(wow! the color is awesome!)
I'm thinking(in the future when I have $$$!) to add another 110w 46.5" VHO bulb with the new ballast, but would this be enough for SPS corals? (besides montis)
Not many people have VHO bulbs, so I can't find much info about this, I was hoping you guys could answer some questions :)
Also, if this would be ok for SPS, what about clams?


Active Member
I wouldn't expect fantastic growth or coloration from most SPS. Montipora Cap. would be your best bet. Poccillopora is probably another good choice. I would be cautious with clams.


Thanks for the quick replies guys :)
I think I'll just stick with montis (my fav coral anyways) for SPS
I've been researching about clams alot lately, makes me want to go into debt for MH's

But do you think maybe I could try a Squamosa or Derasa high in the rocks? :not sure:


Originally Posted by acrylic51
Honestly I think you would be pushing it.
Ok :) Thanks for all the info!
I never really planned to have SPS in the beginning, so I can live

I don't think I'll go for a clam, if I have to put it high in the rocks then I won't be able to see all of its beauty anyways.
More money for other corals!


Originally Posted by yoshii http:///forum/thread/378093/sps-and-vho-lights#post_3280936
Thanks for the quick replies guys :)
I think I'll just stick with montis (my fav coral anyways) for SPS
I've been researching about clams alot lately, makes me want to go into debt for MH's

But do you think maybe I could try a Squamosa or Derasa high in the rocks? :not sure:
i would try a derasa i have one im my 55 that is 22 inches deep under t 5 lights and it is growing and doing good i wouldn't try any other type of clam


not a light expert, but I have a current 96w t5 light that I ran on a 30 and it keep a clam just fine. I'm thinking if your ran 310w of t5 on it you would be blasting.