SPS Bleaching????


I bought this SPS and now I notice it bleaching towards the middle. All of my other SPS and LPS are doing great. I first had it towards the top of the tank but then when I noticed one brach starting to bleach I moved it to the bottom. Now as you can see I have almost three branches bleaching. What could be happening? What should I do?
My lights are 3 250 DE MH 15K over a 125.


Active Member
You mentioned having other sps.. is this your only acropora though? Or do you have other ones? If not whats the other sps you have.


I have other acros and montis as well.
The other are placed towards the top, on the same level I had first placed this one


Active Member
You first placed this one on the top and then moved it? Was it bleaching before you moved it? Did you acclimate it to your lighting correctly?


It came from a tank that had 400MH on top of it. I placed it on top once i bought it and just a few days ago I saw one of the branched bleaching. I read some threads and it was suggested that yu decrease the photo period and maybe move it down the tank and bring it up little by little.
Si I did that and as you can see, almost three branched are now bleached.


Active Member
Its hard to say for sure.. but do you know how long he kept his lights on for?
You should always start them from lower in the tank and work them up when you first get them.


Are you sure it's bleaching and not RTN?? I had a similiar experience and it turned out to be RTNing... Do you know the diff? (I didn't when it happened to my coral, that's why I ask...) This is a pic of mine...



You know bleaching is whitening of the coral tissue...
RTN is the sloughing off of the tissue. It is actually peeling away from the skeleton.
RTN is "Rapid Tissue Neucrosis" ans STN is Slow tissue neucrosis.
RTN usually happens overnight or within a few hours and STN takes a few days. If you look real close and it IS r or STN, you shoud try to break off the affected peices and maybe the rest will make it. Mine didn't, so good luck with yours if that's what it is....