Your advice is much appreciated Stanlalee.
I find for some reason when I test Calcium with the API tests, its always ready extremely high and when I take it in to my LFS to get it tested, it always come back lower. They test with Salifert kits. Most of the API are good and I will probably use them until they run out. I just find calcium never to be as accurate as I would like. I only plan on using the Calcium Salifert test kit. API are good for most others and as long as its fairly accurate Im not in any immediate danger.
My dKh has always stayed at around 8-9 so I guess Im ok not worrying about that for now

It seems that the Digit does have white/clear tenticles that come out after the lights are off. Maybe they are feeders or maybe I have a different SPS
I dont plan to go any further with SPS until I have totally succeeded with these and they become larger healthier colonies. I may try Monti but other than that Im sticking with these. Im also going to plan a larger tank with many SPS.