sps corals color


Active Member

Originally posted by reefer44
i can't decide if i should just buy frags and hope they stay colorful or get 250 more watts....
any suggestions?

I thought we already suggested more lights:D
Steve, don't you think a better way would be to buy tank raised frags over wild corals? I understand that some people can't wait and they have to fill their tank up with big colonies but if color is what you want buying tank raised has worked a lot better for me. Don't get me wrong, I have in the past bought many wild colonies with some very nice colors but they are also the first to RTN too. I've had wild stuff in my tank do just great for years then with no warning they RTN.
The ORA frags are a good deal and the color is outstanding on most.


My tank is about half wild. The best stuff in my system are the colonies grown from traded frags. Don't get me wrong... I love the wild colonies and have several that have preformed great...but, my showstoppers are the ones grown from traded frags.


yea i know you suggested more lights but is there a way around it....
i am 15 and the only funding i get for my tank is from my job...and i only gt like 100 bucks a week....so droping 300 on new lights isn't that easy for me to do....i would much rather spend the money on the frags
is there a way i can get around only having about 380w total instead of about 630w?????
remember this is on a 55 which is only 18 deep and 12 wide and 48 long


and about buying ORA frags...i am not sure if i should...i got 2 corals (porcliporra and birds nest) that were suppose to be pink but they were brown....and i got a brown coral that was suppose to be all blue.....good thing after about 5 months these seem to be turning the right color
is buying from there again really worth the risk
(it is hard for me to buy from lfs because i don't have a car and it is cheaper online...so i usually don't see my corals in person)


Active Member
When you get SPS corals in the mail they will often be brown from shipping expecially if you used 2 day shipping but overnight will do it too.


Active Member

Originally posted by reefer44
and about buying ORA frags...i am not sure if i should...i got 2 corals (porcliporra and birds nest) that were suppose to be pink but they were brown....and i got a brown coral that was suppose to be all blue.....good thing after about 5 months these seem to be turning the right color

the reason for the corals staying brown could be the lack of light.


there actually have become closer to the color that they were advertised as...........i think i am going to get some frags and see how they do