sps corals


Active Member
and what would some of the less light demanding SPS be???
in all honesty i cant even tell the difference from an Acropora to an Tortuosa to an staghorn.


Active Member
like montipora digit and monti capricornis. pretty much any sps preceded by monti r not as light demanding as acro. with pc, i'd keep them top half of tank. the important thing is flow, calcium and alk. try the aquacutured one since they r much more hardy.


Active Member
i honestly dont know where people came up with the idea that montipora digitata isnt light demanding. they need to be up high under strong lighting. one of the most light demanding IME. i guess people just assume its a montipora so it doesnt need a lot of light


Active Member
its not a good idea to keep any sps under normal pc lighting. a monti cap might live, but will most likely brown out. if you like brown corals, then i guess why not.


Active Member
i hv kept monti digit under pc light b4 high up for few months in a nano. it didnt lose its colors. i also hv to add they were aquacultured sps. so maybe they were hardier. and as i hv stated, try one or two 1st, then observe for a while. imo, maintaining flow, calcium and alk r the keys.


Active Member
i would not recomend trying monitpora digitata. they need a good deal of light IME.


Hmm...that comes out to 8 watts per gallon (reasonable) - what spectrum? Are they 10K?


Active Member
watts per gallon is an old rule, spectrum really has nothing to do with it. he does have a lot of pc over that tank, but there still pc's.


Active Member
Still IMO not enough for SPS. Maybe possibly a type of LPS, but not SPS at all. Monti Capricornis possibly but I wouldnt push it.