sps corals


You can keep montis and caps if your water quality is good but they won't color up good. You really need MH or T5's for sps.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hypertek99
You can keep montis and caps if your water quality is good but they won't color up good. You really need MH or T5's for sps.
capricornis is a type of montipora. not sure if that what you were saying or not.
and your lighting is more than adequete for LPS.


Active Member
i guess teen is really against any sps under pc. i hv seen many less light demanding sps under pc b4, and r thriving and keeping their color if kept high up. green cap is certainly one of them.


Active Member
im saying there are better choices. he can keep any softies or LPS under that lighting. if you want to keep sps, get the right equipment. normal PC for the most part isnt aqequete for sps corals. plain and simple.
are you for sps under PC's?


Active Member
I have a 24g nano with 150w HQI and when I had my digi on the bottom level of my tank it looked very sad, when I moved it up to halfway it is happy and pretty again. So I would say that it is a light demanding coral. I have to for the most part second what teen is saying here. Its like the old nem under PC lighting argument....SURE you can keep it alive for maybe 6 months or so but then it will start to slowly go downhill until it dies... Why would you want to do that? My favorite thing about my SPS is that I can notice it growing and flourishing.
So +1 to everything teen said


Active Member
I with teen about most SPS, and monti-caps do ok under PC lighting if you have it high enough in the tank. I have 3 different types in my tank with PCs, but the digita that was doing well for 5 months has started loosing color recently (hasn't been moved). You can always try small frags if you really want to do it, but anything other than monti-caps will likely die.


Active Member
i am all for t5 or mh for sps. but in his situation w 80w pc in a 10 gallon, and him wanting to keep sps, its better we tell him what sps can survive under sps, then him going out and wasting his money.


why not invest in those new LED Halide strips. They don't produce the heat and are reputed to provide all the lighting normal Metal halides provide. They're also rather affordable when compared to most lighting fixtures in the trade.