SPS Disease Pics Wanted


I have a 180 with 300lbs of live rock, and 60 or so SPS corals. I was wondering if you could direct me on what some SPS diseases look like (red bugs, misc. montipora diseases, etc.)? If you have personal pics, or website links, I would love to look at them.


Active Member
Rapid tissue necrosis (RTN) or slow tissue necrosis (STN) are somewhat common ailments in aquariums. There's no scientific reason for their occurance, but have definitely been linked to stress and are mildly contagious. The tissue of the SPS coral would basically just melt away off the skeleton. RTN could kill an entire colony in 1-3 days, but STN might take weeks to months or more. Glueing over the affected parts or fragging them off would stop the spread, and an iodine dip would also help.
Photo credit to the Reef HQ Aquarium.


Active Member
Montipora-Eating Nudibranchs
These little buggers range from 1-5 mm in lenght and feed solely on montipora species, but have also been found to colonize on acros. They are mostly found on the underside of the monti at night. Eggs are also laid on the bottom, and the juveniles immediately begin to feed once born. Adult nudibranchs would venture off the host monti to attack and colonize others around the tank.
Some people have had luck with lightly brushing the infected corals in a bucket at night with a soft-bristled toothbrush. I have found that to remove too much of the coral's tissue, so I discontinued this. Instead, I used Lugol's iodine diluted in tank water and dipped each monti in the solution for 3 minutes, then repeat this one more time two days later. After that the nudis were gone. Six-line wrasse, mystery wrasse, and also yellow coris wrasse (not banana wrasse) have been reported to feed on these nudis, but it's really a hit-or-miss.
First photo is mine. Photos 2-5 creditted to Tracy Gray.


Staff member
I'm going to re-direct this over to the Reef Forum where I think it will get more views and input.
Viper, you should consider starting an info thread with what you have here. Very informative and helpful. We could then Archive it.


Yes Viper please do. I am just getting into SPS and have 2 acros, 3 monti's, and a stylophora and would love to have this info at hand. Thanks


Active Member
Sure thing. I've been wanting to write up a bigger thread about this, but haven't had much time. I think I might be able to do it this weekend.