SPS Experts Please ID


I picked up these SPS corals at the LFS they sold them to me for 10.00 each.
Can someone please ID them for me?


I'm no expert but my guess' are 1. green digi 2. a montipora 3. a tenius
like I said no expert trying to learn hopefully someone who really knows will chime in.

nm reef

Active Member
No expert here either....but based on the pics provided I'd guess a monti digitata...possibly a pavonia of some sort...and the last looks like some sort of acropora sp.
thats my story and I'm stickin' to it!!
:thinking: :D :thinking:

nm reef

Active Member
LOL...but I'm not sayin' I'm right....ID's are tough on SPS types and the pic quality offered makes it even tougher...I was just makin' a guess. heck we both may be wrong.....:D


Thank all of you for your replies. I thought they were very good prices also.
They are rather large pieces.


I'm going to say that the first one looks like Hydnaphora (sp), the second Pavona and the last looks like a montipora of some sort. All three very hardy and good starter sps.
Good luck.

tru conch

Active Member
i agree with bdubbya, jauringer, and reefer44.
my pavona has a little white feather duster that lives in it's skeleton with no problems.


Active Member
Their all great starter sps...and if your tanks conditions are right there will come a day when you'll want them all out because they grow like maaaaaaaaad.
10.00 is a GREAT deal....I hope you have a ca reactor