sps for trade


Active Member
Out of curiousity, where in Southern California are you located? Are you going to Dave Botwin's (O2manyfish) frag swap on October 11th?


i'm next to cal state san bernardino
i'm waiting for a couple other sps to grow out
so i can trade out a little more before i go
sps freak i have a friend that goes to all the swaps in encino - you should hook up with this guy
he has a 220g all sps tank i buy all my stuff from him, he has the best tank i have ever seen


Active Member

Originally posted by MEP
sps freak i have a friend that goes to all the swaps in encino - you should hook up with this guy
he has a 220g all sps tank i buy all my stuff from him, he has the best tank i have ever seen

Do you know his username on "other boards?" I probably have heard of him before :)


Active Member
Oh, you're talking about Carlos (Pucci). I've been over to his place once, and I do agree that his tank is very nice. I also bought a few corals from him. He's a nice guy :)