sps frag pack


Active Member
hey guys,
ive got this sps frag pack available. cost is $100 + actual shipping charges, which must be overnighted by UPS. ill inlcude the styrofoam box and heat packs if neccessary at no additional cost. all frags will be at least 1".
pics are sorta outdated. everythings larger now than you see in the pics, but colors are for the most part the same, if not better. click the pics to make them bigger.
acropora valida

green montipora capricornis

acropora micropthalma

pink w/ blue tips millepora

idaho grape montipora

green digitata

purple digitata


Active Member
one pack is pending. i have another pack available, but its also listed on anoterh website. please PMme soon if you're interested.