SPS Id request...

nm reef

Active Member
...purchased at about half its current size as a Pocilliopora...the following pics were just shot...each zoomed slightly from the previous....the coloration is nearly dead on to what my eye sees. At night each tip has much better extension but during lights on its rare to see much extension at all. It has grown to more than double its origional size and appears healthy. Any help establishing a positive ID?

nm reef

Active Member
...and the last one....any positive ID would be helpful...I'm just curious what exactly I have....I was told its a Pocilliopora...and I'm confident it is a ORA raised frag.....what ya think?


Here is what i think it is:
1.Acropora Millepora (perhaps ORA blue)
2.Acropora Prostrata (sp?)
3.doubtfully but maybe Acropora hyancinthus


Active Member
A. Millepora for sure. And I must say NM a really nice one. I agree it looks like the ora blue mille.

tru conch

Active Member
a. millepora gets my vote cos of the "upturned" little sections on the coral that hold the polyps (if that makes any sense). and that is a sweet coral NM!


Active Member
One thing I know for sure… it is possibly detrimental to your tank. Get it out of the tank ASAP, box it up and send it to me. I’ll be able to tell more after it has grown a year or two… :happyfish


I know nothing about SPS identification, but I did want to say, that third pic is great!

nm reef

Active Member
Thanks for the ID help folks....much appreciated.
I have a few other ORA raised SPS that I'll try to post pics of that are even more interesting.
...and when it comes time to frag them folks here will be high up on the list.