SPS in a 5.5g AIO Pico


Would 40 watts of T5 lighting be able to to sustain some SPS, say a monti in a 5.5g tank at the higher end of the tank?


Active Member
The light should be fine, montis dont need a super strong light. Some of the brighter color ones might not keep their color as intense. In a tank that size, fluctuations in water quality are the bigger concern.
When you set it up, post pics, because it sounds like a very cool idea.


Ok, just checkin to see if they'll do OK, I will probably post pics if I get it started up if I get a new camera, mine is like 6 megapixels or something only. You are right though that the water could change so I will probably make a DIY ATO for it.
6 megapixels is a good amount and mp isnt a good measuremnt of quality. it reflects more how big you can blow the picture up/ zoom in and still maintain good quality.