SPS in my tank


My 75 gallon tank has 216 watt T-5 lighting. Would it be okay for me to put an aquacultured acropora or other SPS coral like montipora in my tank if at the middle or upper levels?


Active Member
I would say no on the acro, one of the more difficult SPS corals to care for. The monti might be ok, as it's much easier and good for beginners. Just make sure your water quality is up to par.


My water quality is fine. So it would be okay to keep a monti species, but would it be okay to keep porites or birds nest coral. I have some lps in my tank and some xenia which I will shortly be taking out.


Active Member
I would start with the Monti, see how it does. If it grows fast and has good color then move onto the next level, maybe a birds nest. Most clams that I'm familiar with need LOTS of light, so not sure your T5s would work. But maybe someone on here as been succesful with it.


Active Member
I'm fairly certain you won't be able to do many of the varieties of SPS or clams with the lighting, especially if it's the Nova Extreme without individual reflectors (guessing that's what this fixture is, since it's the only one I can think of that's common and has 216w fixtures). Montis might do ok if you keep them up towards the top of the tank.


I do have the nova extreme, but I put reflectors on each light myself. Would a clam be okay higher up in the tank?


Active Member
hard to say no for sure. give it a shot and place it high. if ur water quality is good, i'd say it shouldnt be a problem. the only drawback is it might lose some color.


Active Member
I have 36w t5. 50/50's over my 10 gallon, and my Monti Cap is dying.

It it close to the light and has good flow.. I dont know what is wrong, maybe higher nitrates? I did a water change yesterday, though.


the monti will do well if you keep it about 6" from the top but a birds nest is out of the question most sps will die with that light same for a clam if you put it at the top maby it will last a while but it will more than likely die from low light
We sometimes think that a plant or fish died after two or three months even six months because of musterious reasons when in reality it never had a chance even though we had good intentions and did not intend for it to die we killed it and that is the truth
You can find dozens of lower light requiring plants that look as good and are as colorfull
